Assignment 5.1 Understand the requirement of working to a brief

Assignment 5.1 Understand the requirement of working to a brief

Tips for negotiating the brief

1. Give yourself and the client time- read through the brief thoroughly before going back to the client for negotiation. Make sure you fully understand every aspect before you agree to any terms

2. If you don’t understand something - ASK!
3. Make sure that you and your client understands and agrees what your expectations, gaol and objectives are for the negation.

4.Opportunities-There are many opportunities to be found within a brief on top of the moneymaking aspect.

Contractual brief

In this brief you can see that the client information is at the top of the left had corner.
The layout of the contractual brief is clear and easy to read to allow the client to complete their details, they would be asked to include personal information and formality’s that are necessary to allow them to complete the work. The advantages of these types of contracts are that it is easy for the client to complete with extra information; also it allows them to have more control over the process. The disadvantages are for the company making the contract as their may be disagreements between what the client and the company would like to be on the contractual brief.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:contraac.jpgThis is the brief that is discussed between two sets of people the client and the company. The layout of the contractual brief is clear and easy to read to allow the client to complete their details, they would be asked to include personal information and formality’s that are necessary to allow them to complete the work. The advantages of these types of contracts are that it is easy for the client to complete with extra information; also it allows them to have more control over the process. The disadvantages are for the company making the contract as their may be disagreements between what the client and the company would like to be on the contractual brief.
Text Box: In this brief we can see that you will be given the personal details of the client.

Text Box: Here we can see the information that is given to the client by the media company.  These requirements are mostly likely going to be deadline days and the pay.

Text Box: This part of the brief will is going over everything that the client has asked from the company its allows both the client and company to see the requirement for both peach there and go over and meet each other needs.

Formal Brief

A formal brief is a document that outlines the specifications of a product or service. It is well set out and structured in a neat and orderly manner. As it is formal it used formal language, this means no slang or abbreviations. The document should be thoroughly explained so the employee knows exactly what they are doing. To make it look professional it may also have the client’s logo on it. This type of brief would be used in magazine industry specifically the editors. In the brief they would probably include that you have to edit a certain amount of magazine a year.  Working as a editors there are going to be certain things your manger will ask you do to. For example it could be when making here you are told what to say and instructions on how long they will be working with the company and what is expected of them in each episode and what time they would have to come in to and when they would be allowed to leave after filming. In addition to this they

Advantages of having a formal  brief means that the client is open to any ideas or issues if there are any that could be raised by the media company that is employed, this makes the work quite creative for the media company and there is room for negotiation. The disadvantages of a formal a brief are that the media company may feel that the client has not offered enough information for them to complete the product to the standard that the client wishes. Also the fact that the brief is not always legally binding could bring up problems within the project with things such as financial issues or a breech of contract.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:formal-1.jpg

Text Box: At the top of the brief you can see the title of the media company. Below this we can also see the address of where the main headquarters would most likely be. This was you most; likely going to be working.

Text Box: Introduction to the brief is going to be similar to a letter of it will be written out clearly

Text Box: In this brief the client has been giving

Competition Brief

This type of brief is given to you when participating in competitions, it allows the clients to understand what they must do to enter and complete the competition, this brief is different to other briefs as it is more intense with the audience. This brief is usually used for company’s that are promoting competitions; the brief is given out to clients so they can understand what they are to do. When creating the brief the client must consider the scope of work, medium required, size of purchase (how many competition details are needed), target group and how to attract them, time framed, quantities and siting.

A competition brief is a brief, which is opened to the public. This kind of brief allows for a wide range of people with spectrum of talents to create a product, which is based on the brief for free.
At this is a competition brief only the winners will get the prize monetary reward. This means that less money is spent on product and you have a wealth of different idea to choose from.
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:competition brief.jpgAn example of a competition brief would be sun dance London's short film. These types of Briefs are good for the public. They could be used on radio where you are told if you enter this competition and you win a prize by entering details.

Text Box: As you can see in this brief  

This type of brief is given to you when participating in competitions, it allows the clients to understand what they must do to enter and complete the competition, this brief is different to other briefs as it is more intense with the audience. This brief is usually used for company’s that are promoting competitions; the brief is given out to clients so they can understand what they are to do. When creating the brief the client must consider the scope of work, medium required, size of purchase (how many competition details are needed), target group and how to attract them, time framed, quantities and siting.

A competition brief is a brief, which is opened to the public. This kind of brief allows for a wide range of people with spectrum of talents to create a product, which is based on the brief for free.
At this is a competition brief only the winners will get the prize monetary reward. This means that less money is spent on product and you have a wealth of different idea to choose from.
An example of a competition brief would be sun dance London's short film. These types of Briefs are good for the public. They could be used on radio where you are told if you enter this competition and you win a prize by entering details.

A Negotiated Brief
Most of the briefs are somewhat negotiable; however this brief is almost entirely up to the employee as the client is open to idea. A negotiated brief can give more leeway as you can alter almost all of the briefs aspect. This means that you get to use more of your creative vision. A negotiated brief is used in situations where the client may not know exactly what they want so they leave it up to you. The communication between the client and the company is very important for this brief as both parties create it and all decisions must be made together. A negotiated brief can be used in various parts of the media industry. An example of a negotiated brief being used would be in the used of television sector. In television many things can change over a vast amount of time so your character could be killed but in the brief you could say that you don’t want your character to be killed of until the second season. However this could be different for directors. They might only want to produce a certain amount of seasons. That’s the advantage of having a negotiated brief you can have your own input on what you agree with and disagree. This is something that many other briefs do not offer. On the other hand not all parts of the brief can be negotiated some of the things in the brief you will have to follow. Even if you like it or not.

Text Box: Here is a picture of a negotiated brief. As you can see it have a lot more things that you the client wants or needs to do. This will consistent of more information depending on what the brief is used for.
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:negotiated brieff.jpg

Text Box: In this part of the brief is where the media company would like to receive from the client. This could include things like deadlines. Additionally it could have codes of conduct that are going to be expected from the client and if they don’t follow certain rules could lead to termination of the brief.

Text Box: This part of the brief is what the client has said that he or she wants. This includes things like how much they want to be paid and how many days the need of.

Informal Brief

An informal brief is typically a short piece of text or email that request someone to do some work for them. An informal brief doesn't have to be written and just be a verbal agreement.
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:informal.jpgThis is most often seen when dealings with Friends or when very little money is involved. A trademark of an informal brief is that it is written in informal language, this included slang. It is also known having grammatical errors. An informal brief could be used on radio when getting someone to feature on the radio show.  The brief could say how long your going to have them on for and things that could be discussed on the show. The advantages of doing an informal brief is that it can create a relaxed environment and their for be created a lot quicker, the disadvantages of a informal brief is that it can be seen as unprofessional and unclear.

Text Box: We can see in this informal brief we have the address of when the letter was sent.


Text Box: As you in this brief it’s very short and straight to the point the client does not work to for the company any more. This brief allows the client to express how they feel and why they are leaving.

Text Box: At the end of this brief we can see that the client has signed his name on which is something every brief should have as they know its you. There name is signed at the bottom here similar to a letter.

Tender Brief

A Tender this similar to a competition brief as it requires a client to post a brief that us open to outside companies. After receiving the brief the companies come to pitch the clients to idea for the work.
Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:tender.jpg
This is the type of brief you would receive if you are new to the company and where you would develop your ideas amongst others and from their the company would decide if you should be the client. The advantages are that it is very relaxed and easy however the disadvantages are that you may not be chosen as the final client. A tender brief could be used when a client working on a TV and animation. As you or your piece could be selected so the brief is their if you do get it.
This allows you and the media company that you could be working for to things that you will need  
The advantages of this brief is that the client will be able to look at many different ideas for their product
From different companies perspectives and in effect will be able to produce their product to a very high
Standard if one of the pitched ideas stands out above all of the others.

Co-operative brief

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:x151240:Desktop:491646726_orig.pngA co-operative brief is where two or more companies are contracted to work the same assignment. This may be done for a number of reasons perhaps the most common is for multi skilling one company may not have the expertise to complete all the assignment by themselves. Another reason would be tight deadlines if the deadlines too short then two companies will be able to finish the work faster than one.  Having this type of brief means that there can be more perspectives to creating the product needed by the client and therefore means that the brief can be more understood between the client and the company. However there are some downfalls of this brief   This type of brief can be more prone to disagreements and conflict in the ideas being given by each either the client and the media company.

Text Box: In this brief we can what the client has offered to the media company and when it was addressed.  The second part of the briefs will be about the company needs and everything you will need when you start your work at the new company.
